Zoll Defibrillators Help Save Lives
In an emergency situation the difference between saving a life and losing one can be as little as has having an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) on hand. Now becoming more popular in retirement homes, schools, malls, stadiums, airports, office buildings and more, defibrillators can make all the difference in saving a victim of a heart condition. Defibrillators are also extremely beneficial in homes where a person is vulnerable to a heart attack.
Time is of the essence when the heart stops beating and sometimes a call to 911, and EMS arriving on the scene, is just not fast enough. In addition to performing CPR, having a defibrillator for emergency situations may not only save a victim's life, but let the people in your facility know you are prepared for an emergency.
Although training is recommended, with little to no training, any bystander or trained personnel can operate AED Plus Zoll Defibrillators in an emergency. Zoll Defibrillators are used to administer an electric shock to the heart to re-establish a heartbeat.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) claims about 325,000 lives each year in the United States and is the cause of more than half of heart related deaths. Ninety percent of SCA victims die from lack of treatment. The chances of successful defibrillation decline by ten percent for every one minute delay.
In an effort to save these victim's lives an AED, like the AED Pro Zoll Defibrillators, is extremely important. When the heart stops, there are only minutes before brain damage begins and eventually death. If EMS is even five minutes away, brain damage has most likely already begun. Having an AED can help both save their life and help them have a complete recovery.
It's also important to notify local EMS that your facility has an AED. In the event of a cardiac emergency, authorities will be able to notify responders, as well as a caller that immediate help in the form of Zoll defibrillators is available on-site.
As the cost continues to lower, the ability to purchase them has grown dramatically. Coupled with the fact that survival rates for cardiac patients may increase by 25% if resuscitative steps are taken within three minutes and delayed efforts or CPR-only can reduce survival rate to 3%, the option of not having an AED on-hand isn’t acceptable.
With little technical skills required, Zoll defibrillators allow any bystander to become a hero. Purchase a Zoll Defibrillators for your facility and help save a life.